Remote connection:
Google Keep
Check the registry key:
HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services
If the Value named fDenyTSConnections is present, then Remote Assistance is blocked.
If the policy is not configured, the Registry value should not exist and is a residue or was blocked by an alternate security application.
SECOND. For Remote Desktop use add either user or group permissions to the Local Users and Groups – Groups – Remote Desktop Users group for any ‘experts’ that require access or may be requested to assist the ‘novice’.
For the ‘expert’ to offer Remote Assistance, enable the Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Remote Assistance\Offer remote Assistance policy and add user or group permissions to the ‘Helpers’ list. Note that these settings need to be made well in advance of the need or offer for remote connection.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services
Remove > fDenyTSConnections (Type REG_DWORD)